Residential Project
Working with our clients and their builders, we created their ultimate forever dream home. This 6,000sq ft, six bedroom show stopper, blends culture with modern detail. From the moment you enter till you sit down in front of the towering fireplace adjacent to the dream chef’s kitchen (just one of 3 in this home) you are enveloped by elegance, style and comfort.
From blueprints, to 3D renderings, to material selections to final installation this new home build was meticulously executed to meet our client’s highest standards.
Private Customer
Visualizations: QDesign
Surface: 300m2
Florence, Italy

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Ret dolore magna aliqua enut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exer. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolor.
“Interdum et malesuad fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus quis dui id justo consequat suscipit in quis lorem. Mauris ut purus.”
Joseph Kent, New York
Creating places that enhance the human experience with unique products

Praesent ut ante sit amet lorem feugiat pellentesque et eu quam. Morbi ac nisl mattis, lobortis dolor vel, blandit enim. Phasellus ac justo volutpat, iaculis lorem id, interdum elit. Curabitur sed augue sed sem pretium hendrerit. Nam ultrices ut sapien id bibendum.